Client: TEB
Category: EUK. TECH
Date: June 2018 - July 2018
Turkish Economy Bank (TEB), which has contributed to the national economy for 90 years and pioneered the digital transformation of the financial sector with its innovative product and service models, launched the TEB Pratik Şube, the banking model of the future that combines digital and physical branches. In order to support the brand's perception of “the pioneer bank of innovation” and to increase the use of the Pratik Şube, TEB needed introduce the banking model of the future to its existing and potential customers. Since the developed devices could not be installed in the activity areas due to legal procedures, a concept was created combining this innovative approach with virtual reality.
The brand wished all visitors to experience the TEB Pratik Şube project which keeps pace with the steps of technology in a rapidly changing and developing world and to see the true convenience of it. Accordingly, a concept was created through gamification with virtual reality. Pratik Şube devices are modelled in 3D to suit the virtual reality environment. The experience map of the project, which allows the user to make different choices and whose fiction / duration may change accordingly, was created. The virtual world was designed in 3D, and video productions and external audio applications were created.
The project, which was experienced by the visitors of the TEB stand within the scope of Uludağ Economy Summit’18, had a structure in which the transactions that could be performed in the Pratik Şube proceeded according to the user's own choices. Mixed reality elements were included to make the experience more engaging and fun while enhancing the reality of it. According to the scene the user is experiencing, heat and wave effects were given with the developed sensors and software.
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